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The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) is a global partnership that promotes the use of Earth observations (EOs) as evidence for environmental decisions, policies, and finance.…

Created in 1991, Fongit serves as an innovation hub dedicated to supporting innovative tech ventures in the Geneva region. The Foundation empowers innovative companies to successfully transform technology through innovation…

The United Nations Research Institute for Social Development is "an autonomous research institute within the United Nations that undertakes multidisciplinary research and policy analysis on the social dimensions of contemporary development issues".…

GEN, established in 1999, is a cooperative partnership of more than 100 environmental and sustainable development organisations based at the International Environment House in Geneva and at other loc…

GESDA was established to explore how future science breakthroughs can most efficiently be translated into and used as tools for the benefit of humanity. GESDA interlinks the digital revolution with other disruptive fields of …

EFTA is an intergovernmental organisation composed of four member states: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland. Established in 1960 by the EFTA Conventio…

Ecma International is an industry association that works on standardisation in information and communication technology (ICT) and consumer electronics.…

The Broadband Commission is a high-level public-private partnership fostering digital cooperation and developing actionable recommendations for achieving universal meaningful connectivity …
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